A única agência com bases em 3 continentes, e mais de 30 escritórios ao redor do mundo, a Egali oferece aconselhamento e auxílio gratuíto a estudantes de qualquer nacionalidade.

Nossa equipe está aqui para oferecer sempre informações a respeito de cursos, trabalho, vistos, viagens, acomodação, festas e qualquer outro tipo de suporte que você precisar.

Não importa se você é novo em Londres, ou se já vive aqui há algum tempo, está convidado a visitar nosso escritório e descobrir como nossa equipe pode te ajudar.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Another Egali is now open in London!

We are proud to announce that since last 4th of October, our office in London is in full operation. After months of hard work, we are now ready to help you locally in London. Egali is already present in more than 20 cities around the world, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Dublin and Sydney. In London, our aim is to increase the local support to our students, and bring new choices of travel and education worldwide.
Egali London is located at 2, Orange Street – Suite 1.09 – Piccadilly Circus. Our opening times are Monday to Friday, from 9pm to 5pm. If you are interested in visiting us, we kindly ask you to contact us previously on the 020 3008 7699, or by the e-mail

Check out what our office offers you:

- English Schools and Universities in London
- Full support for UK Tier 4 Visa Extension
- Language courses in more than 20 destinations
- Worldwide Student Visas
- Help with your CV
- Flights
- Airport Transfers
- Accommodation
- Backpacking Planning
- Trips
- Parties
- Social Networking
- General Help and Advice

We are looking forward to see you around!

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